Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Cinta SUCI



"Cinta SUci memerlukan PENGORBANAN dan Biarlah Aku BERKORBAN Menjaga KESUCIANNYA"
Selamat Hari  Raya KorBan
Semoga Ibadah Di terima Allah
Yu OLS........Jiwang kan,I memang jiwang karat tau..nasibla.........
Gonna Miss you..

"I tell the boys and girls, Allah has already written the names of your spouses for you. What you need to work on is your relationship with Allah s.w.t. He will send him/her to you when you're ready. It's only a matter of time." - Sheikh Mamdouh
Thanks Allah for All Happiness , For giving me the strength to keep going when all I really want to do is give up. 
xoxo opal

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